Thanks for this gem of investigative journalism (almost unironically), but how about no? Sure, some of these nerds may be evil, angry and sad, but so are your grievance studies-inspired fellow travellers, who have captured a far bigger share of meme-space than your repulsive ideology deserves. It's impressive of you to recognize that nrx has solid diagnoses, but weak prescriptions, which just so happens to be a damn sight better than progressivism's track record of clueless diagnoses and disastrous prescriptions. I don't put much hope in nrx putting up a good fight, but if they at least can establish that it's possible for smart people to publicly disagree with the woke dogma, then its noisome cultural dominance may be shortened, with eventual replacement by something sensible coming that much sooner.
Thanks for this gem of investigative journalism (almost unironically), but how about no? Sure, some of these nerds may be evil, angry and sad, but so are your grievance studies-inspired fellow travellers, who have captured a far bigger share of meme-space than your repulsive ideology deserves. It's impressive of you to recognize that nrx has solid diagnoses, but weak prescriptions, which just so happens to be a damn sight better than progressivism's track record of clueless diagnoses and disastrous prescriptions. I don't put much hope in nrx putting up a good fight, but if they at least can establish that it's possible for smart people to publicly disagree with the woke dogma, then its noisome cultural dominance may be shortened, with eventual replacement by something sensible coming that much sooner.
red bow tie energy
please consider a non black background, it hurts to read this
I hope no one is unlucky enough to unironically read all of your screeds
Your whole personality revolves around not remembering when we threw your ass in a trash can back in high school, but we remember.
So glad to see that these pieces are finding their audience!
lmao haters truly are fans too